Monday, 22 October 2012

Walltopia Sales Showroom For Dubai

Global Climbing, regional representative of Walltopia climbing walls, is delighted to announce the designs for Walltopia’s Dubai sales showroom are completed.  Next is the engineering and factory production followed by installation in early 2013.

With this facility we will be able to showcase to our clients the diverse, innovative and exciting range of Walltopia’s artificial climbing structures with wall sections of:

·         GRP High relief limestone

·         Space Design

·         Plain and carved Gemo3x

·         3D curves

·         GRP Granite

These will all be built on Walltopia’s revolutionary fully transferable steel structure.  Also on show will be Walltopia’s upgraded hydraulic auto belay system along with a traditional protection and belay training facility.  In addition to the hardware display, we will be at the forefront of development and testing of the global climbing eco-system from Walltopia.

This facility has been in concept for over a year but gained real impetus after the Walltopia sales conference early this summer.  This facility incorporates the new generation of Walltopia climbing eco-systems with harmonized wall sections and transferable support structures.  This allows for route setting beta to be transferred across the eco system with the new range of HRT 300 and white hold series along with progressive campus boards.

And what has got the climbers in our team really buzzing is that when the lights go out in the offices we will have 240m2 of the best artificial climbing training on our doorstep.  This includes 4.5 and 3.6m competition rated bouldering walls including an 8m roof, all with full safety matting.  If there are any climbers or potential climbers wanting to be part of this exciting project, then they should contact for membership details.  A warning, participation as a test member will expose you to the risk of getting obscenely strong and picking up a nick name along the lines of ‘Beast Send-it Crush Monster’.

Screen dump from design model: